Reclaim Your Freedom with Sarah Zula

E15: How leaning into your soul mission and living your purpose will heal you

Sarah Zula

You are your greatest healer. This is something we get into in depth in the Subconscious Freedom Mastermind, however in this episode, I wanted to share it in the spit-fire way that inspiration moved me to share. 

You need to know that healing is possible. And when we do what I share with you in this episode... it heals us.

We get into how 

  • Aligning with this will heal you and make life easier for you
  • Your body is a master healer, it knows how to heal 
  • How your mission/purpose and what brings your soul alive is not a mystery, it's something YOU'VE ALWAYS KNOWN

Go here to join the Subconscious Freedom Training, starting November 16h, 2024!

The Subconscious Freedom training is a 6-month journey where you will create freedom from the root of suffering, heal from your past, and create a reality you’re in love with. 

You’ll be empowered with tools and skills that you will take with you forever 

And you will very literally shift your reality to your next level in the time we’re together.

I invite you to take the leap into this world of freedom, lasting healing, rapid transformation, and falling in love with all aspects of your life at a new level

Join in the training here