Reclaim Your Freedom with Sarah Zula
Plug into this podcast to remove suffering, expand your mind into limitless possibilities, remember who you are, and create a magnificent reality beyond your wildest dreams.
Reclaim Your Freedom with Sarah Zula
E1: How self-responsibility leads to healing, freedom, and soul advancement
In this first episode of the podcast, we start by sharing a bit about what inspired me so much to start this beautiful space with all of you (Shout out to the Subconscious Freedom Community!!)
And we got right into the power of what we can all do with Subconscious Freedom Work, the importance of throwing blame for others and self into the trash, and empowering ourselves with a level of self-responsibility that leads to incredible opportunities to advance our souls.
To join the free Subconscious Freedom Community go to: sarahzula.com/monthlysessions
To see all of Sarah's current offers go to sarahzula.com
The IN-PERSON ALL SHIFT HAPPILY NOW Conference is October 16-22, 2024!! Get your tickets: allshifthappilynow.com/conference